It is more than likely time for you to have an annual or maybe semi-annual inspection on your crawlspace. We know that this can sound intimidating, but it’s not as scary as it sounds. The best reason to get an inspection is to prevent issues from happening or stopping them when they are small. So, what should you expect when someone comes to do an inspection on your crawlspace? What exactly is the inspector looking for and why? Today, we hope to fill you in on these questions.
What to Expect
Make an appointment time with your inspector that works for both or you. You will more than likely want to be home for your inspection. Please make sure that your crawl space access is accessible and clear for entrance. Most people’s crawl space access is inside of your home, but some are outside in older homes. Your inspector will spend some time under your home and then come out to tell you their findings. They will let you know if there are any issues that need to be addressed. Sometimes, they can promptly fix a small problem. If there is a bigger problem the inspector will be able to come up with a game plan for you.
What are they looking for?
The inspector is trained and certified to look for specific things in your crawl space that can be detrimental to your home or your family’s health. An inspector will use many senses to help them do their job. Here are a few things that an inspector is looking for and why.
The most obvious answer is water. Any kind of moisture is a big no-no when it comes to your crawlspace. As we have said in previous blogs, the drier the better. Having moisture in your crawl space can cause a myriad or issues. It can cause deterioration of your foundation, mold, mildew, rot, and many other super hazardous issues for home and health.
Termites love to munch on your beautiful home. We definitely don’t want those nasty little creatures literally eating our homes out from under us. Having an inspection can help prevent termites from doing much damage if it is caught early. Termites can quickly damage the integrity of your home’s structure by eating joists and other important areas.
Mold is extremely dangerous because it can become toxic for your health. It will also deteriorate the wood under you home. The thing about mold is that it spreads. It can start in one small place but then quickly spread through your whole home. Mold can cause a lot of health problems by negatively affecting your immune system, it is especially dangerous for the young, old, and people with respiratory problems.
Here is one instance that the inspector uses their sense of smell. Many times invasive animals leave behind an equally invasive smell. Rodents, skunks, possums, and especially cats will leave behind a horrible feces smell. It’s not good to breathe that in and it can permeate up through your floors. If you have pests living under your home then you definitely want them gone asap.
Keep your home and family safe, get regular inspections done one your crawlspace. Call Your Crawlspace Guys!
It is more than likely time for you to have an annual or maybe semi-annual inspection on your crawlspace. We know that this can sound intimidating, but it’s not as scary as it sounds. The best reason to get an inspection is to prevent issues from happening or stopping them when they are small. So, what should you expect when someone comes to do an inspection on your crawlspace? What exactly is the inspector looking for and why? Today, we hope to fill you in on these questions.
What to Expect
Make an appointment time with your inspector that works for both or you. You will more than likely want to be home for your inspection. Please make sure that your crawl space access is accessible and clear for entrance. Most people’s crawl space access is inside of your home, but some are outside in older homes. Your inspector will spend some time under your home and then come out to tell you their findings. They will let you know if there are any issues that need to be addressed. Sometimes, they can promptly fix a small problem. If there is a bigger problem the inspector will be able to come up with a game plan for you.
What are they looking for?
The inspector is trained and certified to look for specific things in your crawl space that can be detrimental to your home or your family’s health. An inspector will use many senses to help them do their job. Here are a few things that an inspector is looking for and why.
The most obvious answer is water. Any kind of moisture is a big no-no when it comes to your crawlspace. As we have said in previous blogs, the drier the better. Having moisture in your crawl space can cause a myriad or issues. It can cause deterioration of your foundation, mold, mildew, rot, and many other super hazardous issues for home and health.
Termites love to munch on your beautiful home. We definitely don’t want those nasty little creatures literally eating our homes out from under us. Having an inspection can help prevent termites from doing much damage if it is caught early. Termites can quickly damage the integrity of your home’s structure by eating joists and other important areas.
Mold is extremely dangerous because it can become toxic for your health. Mold will also deteriorate the wood under you home. The thing about mold is that it spreads. It can start in one small place but then quickly spread through your whole home. Mold can cause a lot of health problems by negatively affecting your immune system, it is especially dangerous for the young, old, and people with respiratory problems.
Here is one instance that the inspector uses their sense of smell. Many times invasive animals leave behind an equally invasive smell. Rodents, skunks, possums, and especially cats will leave behind a horrible feces smell. It’s not good to breathe that in and it can permeate up through your floors. If you have pests living under your home then you definitely want them gone asap.
Keep your home and family safe, get regular inspections done one your crawlspace. Call Your Crawlspace Guys!