Spring Home Maintenance


Your Crawlspace Guys are here to tell you that we don’t just care about your crawl space, we care about your entire home. Spring is a great time to catch up on home maintenance. You may only need to do a good spring cleaning, however, it is important to go over a checklist of things to maintain in Spring! Today we have a list of tasks to check off to make sure your home is in optimal condition this Spring.


Spring is the perfect tom to clear and repair your gutters and downspouts. Make sure to remove all of the built up winter debris. This can prevent against damage during random spring rains. Leaving your gutters clogged and damp can encourage your eaves to deteriorate more quickly and rot. Make sure that everything is secure and you downspouts are draining with ease away from your home foundation. This is a very easy spring maintenance task.


Check for Pests

Many times pests love to move into your home during the colder months. You can do a thorough check of your home for these pests. They can be in your attic, crawlspace, or even just in the wood. Pests range for large raccoons, possums, and skunks to squirrels and rodents to as little as a termite. Termites may look small and harmless but when they invade your home by the millions they will do a ton of damage very quickly! Start keeping an eye out for termites starting in March.


Repair and Reseal Exterior Wood

If the majority if the rain has subsided for the year in your area then it might be the perfect time to Reseal and repair the exterior wood. Some exterior wood would include fencing, decks, balconies, gazebos and anything else that you have made of wood outside. Why do we do this? We repair things of course, for safety, we don’t want to walk on a balcony that has issues do you? Checking for weak spots and missing nails is a great place to start! You also want to reseal your wood. Resealing the wood protects it from exposure to the elements. This will help your wood elements last longer. Having a deck put in can be a very expensive endeavor, it is best to maintain them regularly to extend the life expectancy.


Inspect Your Roof


Winter can take a heavy toll on your roof. It protects you home from all of the elements. Many times roofs can sustain some damage. There can be loose shingles, holes, damaged flashing or even leaks. Getting these issues fixed ASAP, not getting small issues fixed can lead to more extreme damage to your entire home. You should have your roof inspection by a good professional roofing contractor. They can help you with any issues you may have.


Check Your Air Conditioner

We love to stay cool during the Summer, so springtime is a good time to make sure your A/C is in good working order. You should have your Air conditioning serviced regularly. Many home inspectors say that they see these types of services being ignored. Air conditioning is expensive, you want to get the most out of your investment. Get your A/C serviced and you HVAC cleaned out.


Check Seals

Check the seals on your doors and windows, make sure that no outside air is getting on. Also check for holes in your screens. With better weather coming it means that there will be more insects about. Get the cool evening air in without letting all the bugs in as well. You can repair screens that have minor issues, there are screen repair lists at your local hardware stores. If you have a very damaged screen you can take measurements and get it replaced. We love to have fresh air flow through our homes, get prepared early!

Other Maintenance That Can Be Done

One thing that you can do if you are looking for a big project is painting the exterior or your home. Not only is it good for your home to get a fresh outer seal with a fresh coat but it can also make your home look amazing! Better yet have siding added to your home!

Something else that is important is preventing against mosquitos. They can carry dangerous viruses such as West Nile Virus and Zika virus. Check around your home for standing water and get rid of it.


Get a Crawl Space Inspection

Get your crawl space inspected by Your Crawl Space guys! If there are any issues going on they can have time to fix it during good weather!


We all love Spring, prepare so that you can enjoy the nice weather to the best of your ability rather than  spend it all fixing up your home.